Vocês estão prontos pra viver another day com another slay?
Aposto que sim, pois no CurioSLAYdades dessa semana você está convidado a descobrir os segredos por trás do homem que construiu um império de sonhos, Walt Disney! ✨🧠
É isso mesmo! No vídeo dessa semana, a Teacher Jé está de volta para desbravar o mundo mágico do inigualável Walt Disney, revelando 5 fatos curiosos que você, mesmo sendo fã da Disney, provavelmente nunca ouviu antes! 🌟🏰
Sabia que o Walt Disney não só criou Mickey Mouse, mas também teve várias ideias “estranhas” que nunca chegaram ao público? 👀 Além disso, ele também era obcecado pela perfeição e até tinha um escritório com portas secretas pra fugir das visitas. 🕵♂
Curioso pra saber mais? Então já prepara a pipoca 🍿, senta confortável e se joga nesse mar de CurioSLAYdades que vão fazer sua mente voar mais alto que a Dumbo! 🐘✨
Dá o play agora e venha aprimorar seu English enquanto descobre o lado oculto de Walt Disney. A gente garante que você não vai se arrepender, porque no CurioSLAYdades, o que a gente entrega é slay every single time!! 🎬
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Hello, everyone! I’m teacher Jé, and today we’re celebrating the magical Walt Disney Company by sharing some curious information about this wealthy and healthy entertainment enterprise.
Okay! Story time! Once upon a time there was this crazy creative dude called Walt Disney. The voices in his head told him the world needed more magic. So, completly convinced, as he should because we should neve ever ignore when they speak to us, he draws a mouse. I mean, ‘cause what’s more magical than a cartoon rodent, right? You know, just a casual day at the office! Then, for some unknown mysterious reason, this mouse becomes a superstar! I’m guessing a pact with the Devil, what about you? So, who wants to know what came out of this? Come with me and let’s go for a ride in some not-so-well-known facts about Disney, shall we?
But first, make sure to like this video, subscribe, and hit the notification bell if you don’t want haunted Disney characters pulling your foot during the night, okay? Okay!
Alright! So let’s nibble this shit! I mean, let’s do this!
Did you know that when Disneyland opened in 1955, it was not actually ready? Rides were broken, and some parts were still under construction! It was like a big, magical construction site! Imagine going to Disney and finding more workers than characters!
Disney has a secret club called Club 33. It’s so exclusive that you might need to sell a kidney or any organs of your preference to get in! . Seriously, it’s a private club in Disneyland with a long waiting list. You could be waiting so long that your kids might take their own kids there! How do I know this? I’m obviously a member.
The voice of Mickey Mouse was Walt Disney himself until 1947! Talk about multitasking! I mean, no one better than the creator himself to literally breath life into this character’s lungs, right? Probably there was nobody SANE left up to the task!
The original name for “Bambi” was “Bambi: A Life in the Woods.” Sounds like a documentary no one wants to watch, right? “Bambi: The Struggle is Real!”
Disney’s first animated feature, “Snow White,” was so risky that many people thought it would fail. They called it “Disney’s Folly.” But look who’s laughing now— Disney is a billion-dollar empire and “Snow White” is still one of its favorite and most beloved classics !
So, there you have it! Disney started with a mouse and turned into a magical empire—while being a little chaotic along the way. If you’re feeling inspired after watching this, and thinking about finally getting your ideas out of the paper, pleeeease let us know in the comments so we can stop you in time! And also, send this video to your friends who think they know everything about Disney to prove them wrong.
If you enjoyed this, hit the like button, and if you didn’t, do it anyway!
You don’t want rats chasing you around, do you? And finally, think to yourself: what would Walt Disney do?
See you next time, when we’ll turn a simple curiosity into a curioslayty! Yaaass? Slaaaaaay!
Uma resposta
o valdisnei é TUDO pra mim <3