CurioSLAYdades – 10 Facts About Christmas That Will Sleigh You!

Curioslaydades de Christmas


🎅 Hey, Apollo friends! I’m Teacher JĂ©, and today we’re diving into some holly jolly Christmas truths that might make you raise an eyebrow or two. 🎄 Sure, the season is magical, but let’s not forget how weird, funny, and downright absurd some traditions can be. So, grab your hot chocolate, sit back, and let’s slay these 10 Fun Facts About Christmas with a touch of holiday spice!

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Let’s start our list!

1 – Santa Didn’t Always Wear Red

Santa Claus different colors for christmas

We all know Santa as the cheerful guy in the red suit, right? Wrong! Before Coca-Cola claimed him in the 1930s, Santa was more of a fashion chameleon, showing up in green, brown, or even blue. Imagine Santa trying to match his outfit with today’s Christmas aesthetics. Sorry, Santa, red just sells better on soda cans.

2 – The First Christmas Tree Decorations Were Edible

Christmas tree

Forget fancy ornaments and overpriced baubles. Back in the 16th century, people decorated their trees with apples, nuts, and pastries. Talk about a snackable Christmas! But honestly, how did those trees survive kids (or sneaky adults)? Today’s glass ornaments might be prettier, but you can’t eat them when you’re hungry after gift wrapping.

3 – “Jingle Bells” Is a Thanksgiving Song?

Jinglebell christmas

Yes, one of the most iconic Christmas songs wasn’t even written for Christmas. “Jingle Bells” was composed for Thanksgiving in 1857. And now we’re stuck singing it every December like it was always part of the Christmas playlist. Thanks, history, for giving us the gift of seasonal confusion.

4 – Spiders Are a Christmas Symbol in Ukraine

Christmas spider

In Ukraine, finding spider webs in your Christmas tree is a sign of good luck. Yes, spiders. Meanwhile, the rest of us are grabbing the nearest can of bug spray. But hey, at least Ukrainian Christmas trees have built-in spidey senses! Who needs shiny tinsel when you’ve got nature’s creepy decorators?

5 – The World’s Largest Snowman Was Taller Than a Building

Back in 2008, the people of Maine built a snowman named Olympia who stood at 122 feet tall. That’s taller than most buildings and bigger than most of our Christmas spirit after wrapping gifts all night. Imagine the amount of snow shoveling involved
 and the poor soul who had to give it a carrot nose.

6 – Christmas Crackers Are Mini Explosions of Joy

If you’ve ever celebrated Christmas in the UK, you’ve probably encountered Christmas crackers. They’re small cardboard tubes filled with trinkets, jokes, and a loud “pop.” But let’s be real—they’re mini jump scares for the unprepared. Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like flinching at the dinner table.

7 – Japan’s Christmas Feast Is

Christmas in Japan isn’t about turkey or ham. Nope. It’s about fried chicken. Thanks to a 1974 KFC ad campaign, eating a bucket of crispy chicken has become the thing to do. Honestly, who needs a roasted turkey when you can have finger-lickin’ joy in a bucket?

8 – The Largest Christmas Gift Ever Given

The Statue of Liberty! Yes, France gifted it to the US in 1886. Imagine being on the receiving end of that: “Hey, we got you a little something
 oh, it’s just a 151-foot statue.” Try fitting that under a tree. And wrapping it? Forget about it.

9 – Tinsel Was Originally Made of Silver

Back in the 1600s, tinsel wasn’t the glittery plastic we know today. It was made of real silver. Imagine hanging literal money on your tree and calling it festive. Today, we’ve traded that for cheap, sparkly strands that somehow get everywhere. Progress?

10 – Christmas Was Once Illegal

In the 17th century, Puritans in England banned Christmas celebrations. No singing, no presents, no fun—basically, they invented the “anti-Christmas.” Imagine living in a world where even humming “Deck the Halls” could get you in trouble. Talk about a silent night!


Alright, Apollo family, that’s a wrap on these peculiar Christmas truths! 🎁 Which fun fact surprised you the most? Let me know in the comments
 oh wait, this isn’t a video. Anyway, remember to keep slaying it this holiday season and make your festivities unforgettable. And don’t forget: when curiosity turns into a CurioSLAYty, magic happens. Until next time, stay fabulous and Merry Christmas! 🎄✹




Sobre o(a) autor(a) dessa postagem:

Picture of JĂ©ssica Santana

JĂ©ssica Santana

JĂ©ssica, JĂ©, Jeje, Jess... Menina JĂ©, como foi nomeada na Apollo graças a uma falha na matrix que a congelou com a aparĂȘncia jovial de 10 anos atrĂĄs, hĂĄ 10 anos tambĂ©m Ă© teacher e encontrou na Academy a famĂ­lia e o espaço pra exercer alguns dos seus aleatĂłrios talentos que envolvem: pouquĂ­ssima timidez, dança, hablação crĂŽnica, obsessĂŁo por Bruno Mars, organização e uma vontade compulsiva de fazer parte de tudo em todo lugar ao mesmo tempo. Amante de arte em toda suas manifestaçÔes, chora com uma facilidade assustadora e, como boa e discreta vegetariana, sonha em um dia morar numa cabana no meio da floresta, rodeada de animais, vivendo do que a terra dĂĄ... e um acesso okay a uma rede Wifi. Apesar de preterir pessoas a animais, Menina JĂ© tem uma facilidade natural com socializaçÔes e acredita ser atriz em uma dimensĂŁo paralela. A fada da organização Ă© completamente viciada em cafĂ©, produtividade, assistir sĂ©ries e nas trocas que o idioma presente em 99% de tudo que consome a proporcionam.

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