Teeth-grinding refers to the involuntary or habitual grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth, often occurring during sleep or stressful situations. This behavior, also called bruxism, can lead to discomfort in the jaw, headaches, and wear on the teeth if persistent. Common causes of teeth-grinding include stress, anxiety, or even certain dental issues. Preventative measures can include stress reduction techniques, wearing mouthguards, or consulting a dentist.
Aplicação em frases:
1. Afirmativa: She developed a habit of teeth-grinding during her final exams.
2. Negativa: He didn't notice any teeth-grinding despite his stressful schedule.
3. Interrogativa: Do you often find yourself teeth-grinding when you’re anxious?
4. Afirmativa no passado: Last night, he experienced teeth-grinding due to his stressful day.
clenching, gnashing, bruxism, jaw-tightening
Ranger de dentes refere-se ao ato involuntário ou habitual de ranger, apertar ou trincar os dentes, geralmente ocorrendo durante o sono ou em situações de estresse. Esse comportamento, também chamado de bruxismo, pode causar desconforto na mandíbula, dores de cabeça e desgaste dos dentes se for persistente. As causas comuns incluem estresse, ansiedade ou até problemas dentários. Medidas preventivas podem incluir técnicas de redução de estresse, uso de protetores bucais ou consulta a um dentista.