
Downright (DAUN-raït)


Downright is used to emphasize that something is completely or absolutely true, often in a way that is intense or extreme. As an adverb, it modifies an adjective or verb to indicate totality or bluntness, like “downright rude.” As an adjective, it describes something as being plain and direct, without any subtleties or half-measures, such as “a downright lie.” It’s often used to express strong feelings or opinions.


Aplicação em frases:

  • Afirmativa: The party was downright amazing; everyone had a blast.
  • Negativa: That wasn’t downright rude; it was just a misunderstanding.
  • Interrogativa: Wasn’t his behavior downright unacceptable?
  • Afirmativa no passado: Her excuse was downright ridiculous, and nobody believed her.


absolutely, completely, utterly, thoroughly, plain


Downright  é usado para enfatizar que algo é absolutamente verdadeiro, frequentemente de uma forma intensa ou extrema. Como advérbio, modifica um adjetivo ou verbo para indicar totalidade ou franqueza, como em “completamente rude.” Como adjetivo, descreve algo como sendo claro e direto, sem sutilezas ou meias-palavras, como “uma mentira descarada.” É frequentemente usado para expressar sentimentos ou opiniões fortes.