
Controversy (kón-tro-ver-see)


Controversy refers to a public disagreement or dispute, often concerning a sensitive or polarizing issue. It typically involves strong opposing views and can stir public debate or attention. Controversies are usually long-lasting and difficult to resolve because they deal with issues that evoke strong emotions and opinions.

Aplicação em frases:

Afirmativa: The movie caused a lot of controversy.

Negativa: There was no controversy surrounding his actions.

Interrogativa: Why is there so much controversy about this topic?

Afirmativa no passado: The decision sparked a huge controversy.


Dispute, debate, argument, conflict.



Controvérsia refere-se a um desacordo ou disputa pública, frequentemente relacionado a uma questão sensível ou polarizadora. Geralmente envolve opiniões fortemente opostas e pode provocar debates ou atrair a atenção do público. As controvérsias costumam ser duradouras e difíceis de resolver, pois tratam de questões que despertam emoções e opiniões fortes.