
Intrigued (in-trígd)


Intrigued means to be deeply interested or fascinated by something that is mysterious or unusual. When someone is intrigued, they are drawn to explore or understand more about whatever has caught their attention. It often refers to things that spark curiosity and make a person want to investigate further.

Aplicação em frases:

Afirmativa: The mystery intrigued the detective.

Negativa: She wasn’t intrigued by the offer.

Interrogativa: Are you intrigued by this story?

Afirmativa no passado: He was intrigued by the strange message.


Fascinated, curious, captivated, interested.


Intrigado significa estar profundamente interessado ou fascinado por algo misterioso ou incomum. Quando alguém está intrigado, sente-se atraído a explorar ou entender mais sobre o que chamou sua atenção. Muitas vezes, refere-se a coisas que despertam curiosidade e fazem a pessoa querer investigar mais a fundo.