Vocês estão prontos pra viver another day com another slay? Porque chegou o momento de brilhar com nosso quadro mais que querido 🌈✨CurioSLAYdades! 🌈✨ Quem tá de volta no comando do slay dessa semana é a nossa amada Teacher Jé, trazendo mais fatos muitíssimo interessantes que você nem sabia que precisava pra viver bem. No episódio de hoje, vamos mergulhar em um dos maiores ícones dos games dos anos 80: é uma pizza comida?É uma mesa quebrada? É a roda do tempo faltando uma hora? Não, é o PAC-MAN! 🟡👾
Se prepara pra descobrir 5 CurioSLAYdades sobre esse jogo clássico que mudou o mundo dos videogames e a vida de muitas crianças pra sempre. Tem coisa que você nem imagina, então fica bem confortável e se prepara pra devorar essa nostalgia com bom humor e English no nível máximo! 🎮✨ Dá play que a gente garante que você não vai se arrepender, porque aqui no CurioSLAYdades, o que a gente entrega é slay every single time!
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clique para verPACMAN DAY
Hellooo, people! I’m teacher Jé, and today we’re honoring one of the most famous and beloved games EVER with some fun facts I bet you didn’t know about our dear yellow guy over here.
Okay, guys, picture this: You’re a simple starving dude, who only wants to walk around and eat! But, while you’re minding your business, SURPRISE! Some ghosts start chasing you around like it’s their full time job, alright? Lucky you, theses motherfuckers aren’t very smart and sometimes run into walls or go the wrong way. Still, you shouldn’t be fooled, ‘cause, maaaan, they’re fast! Yeah, that’s pretty much the life of our dearest PACMAN for over 40 years, now.
Weel, I have some really fun facts about this iconic game to share with you, but first, make sure you like this video, subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don’t miss cool stuff like in the future, okay?
Okaaaaay! Let’s do this!
Did you know that PACMAN was inspired by a pizza? The game’s creator, Toru Iwatani, got the idea when he saw a pizza with a missing slice. You can see the resemblance there, right?
The ghosts in the game have names. In English, they are called Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. . I can say you’re considering naming your babies or pets right now with those, am I right?
Pac-Man’s original name was ‘Puck Man’. But they changed it to ‘Pac-Man’ to avoid people changing the “P” to an “F”. Yeah, yeah… do the math over there. .
The highest score you can get in Pac-Man is 3,333,360 points. Only a few people were able to reach this number! I’m guessing they had nothing better to do, am I right?
The game has no ending, people! Yeah, you heard me. It just keeps going until you run out of lives… or give up ‘cause you suck.
How about that? I bet you’re all gonna look at pizzas in a different way now, am I right? If you think you’re gonna start thinking about giant pizzas eating you alive, please share with us on the coments below and send this video to your gamer friends so you can brab about your PACMAN knowledge! Also, if you liked the content, hit the ‘like’ button , the notification bell and subscribe, so that more cool information finds you!
Soooo, we see each other soon so we can turn a simple curiosity into a curioSLAYty. Yaaaaaas? Slaaaaaay!
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Nossa, esse bicho me dá uma ansiedaaaaade!